Well, Saturday seemed to take forever to get here, but finally the day arrived, and we were all so excited.
Deana and Luke, with their son Noah, met us at the train station, and I must say it was so great to finally meet Deana in person! What a wonderful family! Being a mom of 3 boys too, Deana knew our boys would need to run off some energy after being cooped up on a train for 2 hours, so we headed to a park for the kids to play for a while...
It was only just after 10am and our meeting was only for around noon. At around noon we headed to the Family Center and waited, and waited and I started getting a bit nervous that maybe they were not going to make it (it is Chinese New Year after all and a Saturday, so the government offices are actually closed), then Deana said not to worry, if they don't arrive, we will take a drive to meet our little girl anyway - I was so worried, I did not want to have to leave Taitung without her, but I knew God would not have brought us this far, to have us go home and wait a little longer!
Well Luke made a few calls, and were told not to worry, but to meet them at 2pm. We took the boys to lunch (we all ate too, by the way!), and then headed to go and meet our daughter!
It was such an unreal moment when we walked into the room - as we walk in the birthmom is holding our little girl, and she looked so small, much smaller than I had expected, even though she had
layers of clothing on! She had just been woken from a nap. The birthmom's sister was there and then the Grandmother arrived too.
For me this was such a difficult moment because I just wanted to reach out and pick up this little girl, but at the same time, I knew this was probably the last time the birthmom and family had with her, so I just left her (altough it was really hard!) and let her sit with her birthmom. After lots of discussion with the social worker and Deana and Luke, it was time to leave. Jason picked up Asia-Faith, and I went over to the birthmom and hugged her, and of course those that know me know how hard it is for me not to cry, but of course as I hugged her, I just said "XieXie Ni" (Thank You), and started crying - it was such a bittersweet moment.
I am just so thankfull that we had the opportunity of meeting and taking photos of the birthmom, aunt and grandmother, which was very special.
When it was time to leave, Asia-Faith was quite willing and fine walking out with us, no problem, until she got into the car and probably realised that all the faces she was seeing were strangers - so she started crying a little, so we gave her a little pink stuffed cat that we had bought her and her bottle and after a few minutes she was fine (and of course all the fussing over she was getting from her brother's helped too!)...
We went back to Deana and Lukes house for a while and she played upstairs with toys and her new brothers. I was a little worried about the train ride home (I wasn't sure how she would react, and thought she might be really stressed), however she laughed and played the whole way home! We basically had the whole train carriage to ourselves on the way home - so it was great!
After having got home and ready for bed, I gave her a bottle and she fell asleep in my arms.
Our family has been truly blessed by this little girl, and we thank God daily for bringing her into our lives.
“the Lord has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118 vs 23 & 24
~ We are a family now ~
We are a family now, a whole,
Of which you are a part,
And you are just as much our child
As any in our heart.
We do not love you differently,
Nor would we give up less
Of all that life has given us
To bring you happiness.
There is no limit to our love,
No boundary you might cross,
No price you may be asked to payNo need to fear its loss.
We are now one, the six of us,
Windows of one home,
As long as we have life and breath,
You’ll never be alone.
~Nicholas Gordon~

Our little princess forever.... in our lives....in our family.....in our hearts.
The train ride home....

Going to sleep, safe in mama's arms....
"Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own -
Never forget - not for a minute - you weren't born under my heart, but in it!"
~Fleur Conkling Hejlinger~