This has been a good week again. The Princess, aka Asia-Faith, has been doing so well!
She sleeps right through the night AND in her own bed (the boys could learn from her)!
She also loves food, she eats anything that is given to her! She is even learning to say her prayers at mealtimes and puts her hands together and tries and says words (just baby talk - but so cute), and then we all say "Amen" and she nods her head and says something which sounds vaugely like "amen" - very sweet!
She will also nod her head (x2) as if to say "thank you" / "xiexie", when given something.
Asia-Faith also refers to me as "mama" now. If the boys or Jason say give it to "mama", she comes straight to me - it is so wonderful! And if she is walking around looking for me she calls "mama".... She is also holding my fingers - what ? you may ask??? - well, since she has been with us, while I give her her bottle I hold her and always try and get her to hold onto my hand or my finger, and she always resisted, but now for the last few days, she has been holding onto my finger or playing with my hands when she has her bottle, and for me that is GREAT!!!!
The Princess has also shown her little jealous streak! If one of the boys (usually Keanu-Storm) is on my lap, she will come and "cry" by me until I take him off and put her on! And if the boys are giving me a kiss, she will come and give me one too!!!
Well Talis-Rain mentioned again to me today that we still need another 2 sisters, so that they each have one!!!
Keanu-Storm my "nunu" still has his obsession with my mole on my neck!!! He is also learning what it is like to have a younger sibling and not being the youngest anymore - he is having to deal with Asia-Faith knocking down his blocks he has just spent time building, he has to put up with her stealing his pillow, because for some reason she has taken a liking to HIS, much to his dismay, and he will fight for it even though he is not using it at the time, and she is always spooning her food into his bowl or his water!!! And it is so cute to hear him saying "bu Asia, bu" (bu is "no" in Chinese).
Asia-Faith seems to love to sing - I have a "special" song that I have for each of my children that I would sing to them while I was pregnant, and then I would sing it to them when they went to sleep or were upset, or anytime really.
Anyway, Asia-Faith's song is "You are my Sunshine" (chosen by Talis-Rain), and I sing this to her when I am giving her bottle or putting her to sleep, and she tries to sing a long with me - it is very sweet.
Also if we are listening to music and I am singing along, she will try and sing along / hum along with me! I think we have another member of the Jagabags band!!! Being that she is Aborigine (Ami tribe), might be why she enjoys music so much. The Aborigine are very into music, arts and culture - another perfect fit to our family!!!
A few more things about Asia-Faith...
~ She enjoys playing peek-a-boo
~ She loves to "fly" - I throw her up in the air and catch her - she absolutely loves this!
~ She loves her tummy to be tickled, but her bellybutton is very ticklish!!!
~ She loves when we play "tzao lobo", which is kind of like "round and round the garden", on her hand and tickle under her arm!
~ She has started saying "uh oh", like if she is caught doing something she knows she shouldn't be, like sitting at the dinner table with both feet on the table too!!!
~ She says "bye" and "dzai jien" and blows kisses
~ She sometimes covers her mouth and laughs when something is very funny
~ She says "dada"...
Here is a pic of her "flying"...