Today, 1 year ago, we brought our beautiful little Fairy Princess home.
It has been an amazing year, watching her grow, learning to speak, getting into squabbles with her brothers, becoming an independent little person, warm hugs, soft kisses, painting nails, buying pink, dancing, singing, drawing, having "tea", holding my hand, putting "pretties" in her hair, and hearing those precious words "I love you mommy"!
We are still waiting for our final decree, but we believe it will be here any day we wait and pray (not so patiently though)! LOL
You can read more about our Forever Family Day here:
Enjoy the pics.....

This is how she likes to sleep - with her thumb in her mouth, and a hand on the zip of either her pillow or her pillow-case...

Wearing her brothers undies....don't quite know what was going on inside that little head of hers...maybe she was wanting to be Superman!

Asia-Faith and Kitty...taking their morning nap
1 comment:
Happy Happy 1st Anniversary. Lovin the pictures
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