Monday, July 9, 2007

Documents are on their way.....

I had a call from Deana this morning, from Morninglight Children's Home, (, she had just left the post office. Our adoption documents have finally been sent off to Yilan courts and we should be getting a court date within the next 2 to 4 weeks! I just hope that we have moved to Yilan by then otherwise we have to postpone the date we are given. However Deana doesn't seem to think it will be before 18 August, so I am really hoping that it will be soon after this date.

Once we get our court date then we appear in court (and either we hire a translator from the courts, at a fee, or we bring our own), then after the court date we have a social worker come to our home for a homestudy, and then she writes a report (which apparently can take her a month), and then it goes to the judge, who then I think will make his decision. Apparently it takes about 3 months, and we might have to go to court about 3 times, but then after all is said and done, she will legally and forever be our little Princess!!!!

Jason leaves for Yilan this weekend (Saturday). He will be riding my scooter there, so please keep him in your prayers. He will be stopping over in Taitung and staying with Luke and Deana for the night, and then continuing on to Yilan in the morning. The kids and I will be going up on the weekend of the 18th August. Not too sure which day though, just waiting for the mover to confirm a date with us. We will be taking the high speed rail - don't fancy an 8 hour trip with 4 kids and a cat, so the high speed rail it is - in 2 hours we will be in Taipei, and then another hour or 2 by train to Yilan (depending on if it is the express or the milk train)...As much as I enjoy our little apartment and the friends we have here in Donggang, I am looking forward to our new home!

Enjoy the pics...

Bad hair day....

Sleeping Beauty.....

Can you tell she enjoys her food???

Aint she sweet???

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